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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1752
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7588
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 10،
issue Number 104
Investigating the stylistic characteristics of the theory of power in Tarikh-i Bayhaqi (Study case: Masʽud of Ghazni defeat in Battle of Dandanaqan)
Parisa Mosffa , Narges Asghari Govar (Author in Charge), Ali Ramezani
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Power relations in Beyhaqi history can be seen in two levels of Masʽud of Ghazni rule over the sovereignty and the power of the government. During Sultan Masud "s move to fight the Turkmens, these relationships are interactive and result in failure. In this article, the reasons for Massoud"s failure in Dandanaqan are investigated with the aim of matching power relations in line with Michel Foucault"s theory in language and content.
METHODOLOGY: The information of the article is collected by library study of Foucault"s works on the theory of power and by examining the history of Beyhaqi on this topic, the article is written in a descriptive and analytical way. The statistical population is the book Tarikh-i Bayhaqi edited by Khalil Khatib Rahbar.
FINDINGS: In Tarikh-i Bayhaqi, power is seen in two forms: dominance and interactive action in discourses and content. During Sultan Masud "s move to Battle the Turkmens, Masoud"s dialogue with the pillars of the government is dominated. The titles "Khodavand", " sultan" and "Amir" indicate dominion. the pillars of the government have used the words "advice" and "right vote" in their discourses with Masoud. Dominance and interactive action in the content of productive power have become the behaviors of the government"s pillars against Sultan Masoud"s dominance. Masoud"s power became a form of rule that produced tyranny of votes, disrespect, displeasure of government officials, the escape of slaves, and finally the defeat of the Turkmen army. As some slaves leave the army and join the Turkmen. Some the pillars of the government are also upset with Masoud and fail in the war, and Sultan Masoud is forced to appease.
CONCLUSION: In this story, power relations are based on dominance and interactive action. ower relations generate new forms of behavior, and the two-way relationship between Masoud and the government"s pillars continues with it. finally, Sultan Masoud does not accept the advice of the minister and government officials, and the soldiers do not obey Masoud, which causes discomfort, disrespect, despair and defeat in the war of the Dandanaqan
, Foucault
, Tarikh-i Bayhaqi
, Sultan Masoud
, Dandanaqan Top of Form
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